Since August 2016, there is a new way to enjoy the trails and vistas of Le Petit Bois – a self-guided tour created for visitors who are curious about the history, birds, animals and habitats of Le Petit Bois. Thirteen locations along the trails are outfitted with interpretive sign posts, each bearing QR codes that can be scanned with a cellular phone or mobile tablet QR reader app (readily available free online). The QR codes link to web pages filled with interesting facts, photographs and stories guaranteed to make your walk along the trails more interesting. Visitors can opt to access the interpretation in either French or English.
The trail map on the Petit Bois website shows the locations of the 13 interpretive posts, or, visitors can pick up a paper map at the Rendez-vous de la Baie Visitor Centre. For visitors without access to a cellular phone or mobile tablet, a self-guiding booklet containing the same information is available at the visitor centre. The information is also available online in the left-hand menu.